Programme of the Global Young Academy's

2024 Annual General Meeting and
International Conference of Young Scientists

Sunday, 5 May 2024 Pre-AGM / New Members

08:00 – 08:45


Breakfast is available at the venue for New GYA members and workshop participants (facilitators, mentors)

Location: West Court

09.00 – 17.00

(Lunch break 12:30 – 13:30)

Science Leadership Workshop for New Members – Day 1

Internal Workshop (registration required).  This 2-day workshop aims to give new GYA members space to reflect together on how to be leaders in diverse contexts: in their research contexts, in the institutions and communities where they live and work, and in the GYA. The workshop will cover topics like effective and creative problem solving, collective leadership tools, personality differences and preferences in teams and cultural dexterity. It will give new GYA members confidence as they begin their tenure with the GYA and attend their first Annual General Meeting. 

Location: NAS 120 (Lunch in West Court)

17:30 – 19:00


Dinner is available for New GYA members and workshop participants (facilitators, mentors)

Location: West Court

08:00 – 08:45


Breakfast is available at the venue for New GYA members and workshop participants (facilitators, mentors)

Location: West Court

09.00 – 17.00

(Lunch break 12:00 – 13:00)

Science Leadership Workshop for New Members – Day 2

Internal Workshop (registration required). This 2-day workshop aims to give new GYA members space to reflect together on how to be leaders in diverse contexts: in their research contexts, in the institutions and communities where they live and work, and in the GYA. The workshop will cover topics like effective and creative problem solving, collective leadership tools, personality differences and preferences in teams and cultural dexterity. It will give new GYA members confidence as they begin their tenure with the GYA and attend their first Annual General Meeting. 

Location: NAS 120 (with Lunch at West Court)

08.30 – 10.00

LOC & GYA Office meeting

Internal Meeting

Location: NAS 118

10.00 – 12.00

EC-in-person Meeting

Internal Meeting – This session is for GYA Executive Committee members and GYA Office Team only.

Location: Board Room

12:00 – 13:00


Lunch on 6 May is available only to participants of the New Member Science Leadership Workshop. All other arriving GYA members are welcome to join the afternoon workshops, and Networking Dinner at 18:30.

Location: West Court

13.00 – 15.00

parallel sessions

Reforming Research Assessment to Foster an Open and Socially Responsive Research Culture: a GYA-CoARA event

Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: Lecture Room

Advancing Biosecurity: Promoting Responsible Research through the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines

Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: NAS 125

15.00 – 15.30


15.30 – 17.30

parallel sessions

Science Diplomacy Forum  

Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: Members Room

Science Advice Masterclass: A Global Transdisciplinary Approach 

Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: NAS 125

17:00 – 18:00

Arrival and Registration GYA Members

Location: Lobby on Const.

18:00 – 20:30

Networking Dinner

A chance to network for GYA and New Voices members.

Location: Great Hall

Tuesday, 7 May 2024Internal GYA Day

07:45 – 08:45


Location: West Court

08:30 – 09:00

Registration New Arrivals – GYA Members

Location: Lobby on Const.

09:00 – 10:30

parallel sessions

Official AGM Opening

AGM Session 

Priscilla Kolibea Mante (GYA Co-Chair),
Felix Moronta-Barrios (GYA Co-Chair; remote) and
Monika Kedra (Acting Co-Chair)

Introduction to GYA
Inauguration of new GYA Members

EC & Financial Reporting

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

09:00 – 12:30

parallel sessions

New Voices internal meeting

Internal Meeting – This session is for members of the New Voices only.

Location: Lecture Room

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

Location: West Court

11:00 – 12:30

Plenary – Internal Reports: GYA in the past year

GYA Activities Group Highlights – This session will highlight specific outcomes and finished projects by four GYA Activities groups from the past year, to acknowledge the work they have done and what they have achieved.
Four short presentations will focus on best practices and lessons learned; this will be followed by Q&As from the plenary.

  • Interdisciplinary Grant 2021/22 – “Young Researchers and the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Paulina Carmona-Mora & Sandra Lopez-Verges)
  • Global Migration WG – “Global Compact of Refugees – pledges and awareness raising on Rohingya Response” (Goran Bandov)
  • Women in Science WG – Booklet on “Challenges faced by women researchers: Stories from all around the globe” (Mareli Claassens)
  • Scientific Excellence WG – Study on “Promotion Criteria” (Yensi Flores Bueso & Carlo D’Ippoliti)

General Assembly

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

12:30 – 14:00


Location: West Court, Members Room

13:00 – 14:00 is reserved for internal meetings of Working Groups. Groups are encouraged to plan accordingly.
Groups that are meeting are: Global Health WG, Strategic Group on Science Diplomacy, Science Education for Youth WG, At-Risk Scholars Initiative, Women in Science WG.
Information re. room allocation for each of these sessions is available at the registration desk.

14:00 – 15:30

GYA Activities Fair

AGM Session – GYA Working Groups, Incubators, Projects & Committees

Location: Lecture Room

14:30 – 15:30 is reserved for internal meetings of Working Groups. Groups are encouraged to plan accordingly.
Groups that are meeting are: Biodiversity WG, Science Advice WG, Scientific Excellence WG, GloSYS LAC, Trust WG
Information re. room allocation for each of these sessions is available at the registration desk.

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee Break

Location: West Court

16:00 – 19:00

parallel sessions

Excursion – Walking Tour of the National Mall

Please bring walking shoes. The tour will cover approx. 3.5 km walking distance. Please inform the organizers ahead of time if you have mobility issues.  We will meet in front of the building.

16:00 – 18:30

parallel sessions

New Voices Project Collaboration

Open collaboration time for New Voices Cohort 3 members and interested alumni to develop project ideas and next steps.

Location: NAS 120

19:00 – 21:00

Networking Dinner

Location: If weather permits, West Lawn. Alternatively West Court, Members Room

Wednesday, 8 May 2024Public Conference Day

07:45 – 08:45

EC Pitches at GYA-internal breakfast

AGM Session – Pitches by candidates for Co-Chair or Executive Committee 

Location: Pick up breakfast in East Court; seating and EC Pitches in Lecture Room


Breakfast for New Voices & Mirzayan Fellows

Location:  Pick up breakfast in East Court; seating in West Court & Members’ Room

08:15 – 09:00

Conference Registration

09:00 – 09:05

Conference Opening and Welcoming Remarks

Public Session

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

09:05 – 10:05

Opening Panel

Public Session

This session will discuss the role of regional and global socio-political and socio-economic environments and the tension between competition and collaboration in reaching a sustainable and inclusive future for all.



  • Marcia McNutt (President, National Academy of Sciences, United States)
  • Vint Cerf (VP, Chief Internet Evangelist at Google; Honorary Fellow and Inaugural Patron of the ISC)
  • Patricia Gruber (Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State)

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

10:05 – 10:20

Coffee Break

Location: Great Hall

10:20 – 11:20

Plenary Panel I – Bridging the Gap and Paving the Way for Future Leaders

Public Session

This panel will focus on how different programs and initiatives are structured to promote new scientists at various national and international venues and the benefits and challenges associated with such initiatives.


  •  Meghana Gadgil (Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco; New Voices Member)


Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

11:20 – 11:35


Location: Great Hall

11:35 – 12:35

Plenary Panel II – In a Challenging World, No One Should be Left Behind 

Public Session

This panel will focus on how science should benefit everyone in society and new approaches that integrate vulnerable populations and marginalized communities to understand how complex challenges impact our society holistically and how to develop effective policies to lower this impact. 


  • Hiba Baroud (Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University, GYA Member)


  • Sudip Parikh (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher, Science Journals, AAAS)
  • Asmeret Asefaw Berhe  (Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, University of California, Merced; Past Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science; NVs member)
  • Nishal Mohan (Founder of mohuman, USA)
  • Flavio Carvalhaes (Assistant Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; GYA Member)

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

12:35 – 14:45

parallel sessions


GYA, New Voices, and Mirzayan Members & Alumni and invited guests only

Location: West Court, Members Room

AI Horizons: Empowering Sustainable Science for a Better Tomorrow 

Lunchtime workshop (13:00 – 14:30)
Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: NAS 120

How Might Diverse Minds Come Together to Build a Future People Want? 

Lunchtime workshop (13:00 – 14:30)
Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: Board Room

14:45 – 16:15

parallel sessions

Lightning Talks

Locations: Session 1: Lecture Room | Session 2: Members Room | Session 3: NAS 125

Public Session 

Lightning Talks showcase the multiplicity of research being done by early- to mid-career researchers, making space for individuals to communicate to each other about their research and work. Lightning Talks by GYA and NVs members will be presented in 3 parallel sessions. 

Download the Lightning Talk Speakers List & Book of Abstracts here.

16:30 – 17:30

Working Group Meetings

Internal Session – Parallel meetings: Working Groups come together to discuss, plan and outline the coming year.
Groups that are meeting are: Science Diplomacy in the Americas WG, Climate Change WG, The GYA & the UN SDGs WG, Open Science WG, Antidiscrimination WG

Information re. room allocation for each of these sessions is available at the registration desk.

18:00 – 22:00

Gala Dinner

GYA members and alumni, New Voices members, and invited guests only

External location: French Embassy 

Thursday, 9 May 2024Public Conference Day

08:00 – 10:00

Breakfast with the Science Diplomats Club

Internal Session GYA, NVs and Mirzayan Fellows –  Join members of the Science Diplomats Club (SDC) for a networking breakfast and keynote speaker. The Science Diplomats Club (SDC) was founded in 1965 and currently has more than 230 members and guests (mostly Science Counselors and Attachés) from 103 organizations (53 countries/geographic areas represented).

This joint event will be part of the SDC’s monthly “Science Breakfasts” series and will feature a prominent member of the American science and technology community as the keynote speaker. The meeting will also be an opportunity for SDC members to meet young scientists from around the world while sharing their insights on science diplomacy with Global Young Academy and New Voices members.

Guest Speaker: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Past Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science; Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, University of California, Merced

Location: Great Hall and Fred Kavli Auditorium

10:00 – 10:15


Location: Great Hall

10:15 – 11:15


Frances Colon (Senior Director, International Climate Policy at American Progress)

Public Session

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

11:15 – 11:30


Location: Great Hall

11:30 – 12:30

Plenary Panel III – Science Innovation, Transformation, or Both

Public Session

This session will discuss the basic difference between science innovation and transformation and the intricate process needed, through multi-stakeholder partnerships (such as university-industry collaborations and public-private partnerships), to establish innovative and transformative science and how to deal with challenges that hinder such progress.



Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

12:30 – 14:30

parallel sessions


GYA Members & Alumni and invited VIP guests only

Location: West Court

Lunch with the Editors

The GYA Open Science working group invites GYA members to join their lunch with journal editors Jianhong Zhou (Senior Editor at PLoS ONE) and Yamini Dalal (ELife’s Deputy Editor), to discuss in an informal setting matters relating to Open Science. 

The Open Science Working Group’s card-board Fair poster will be displayed on the table for members to find the group. No registration needed.

Location: West Court

Women in Science for Peace

Lunchtime workshop (13:00 – 14:30)
Workshop descriptions and registration (required for participation) here: AGM Workshops

Location: Members Room

14:30 – 16:30

US Partnership Expo

This networking event brings together stakeholders from science and research institutions, science policy organisations, foundations, academies and other organisations from across the United States.

Location: Lecture Room, East Court

16:30 – 18:20

Reception and Musical Performance

All expo attendees and presenters are invited to join an open reception with refreshments to be followed by a musical performance in the Kavli Auditorium.

Location: West Court, Fred Kavli Auditorium

18:45 – 19:45
parallel sessions

EC Elections

Internal Session (GYA members eligible to vote only)

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

18:45 – 19:15
parallel sessions

Meet a Scientist Gathering with Sticks+Bars Youth Marimba Band

New Voices Members and Mirzayan Fellows only

New Voices members and Mirzayan Fellows are invited to attend this Meet a Scientist mingling activity with the Sticks+Bars Youth Marimba Ensemble members following the closing music performance.

Location: Great Hall

Friday, 10 May 2024Internal GYA Day

08:00 – 08:45


Location: West Court

09:00 – 10:30

Plenary – Future of the GYA

AGM session 

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

10:30 – 11:00


Location: Great Hall

11:00 – 13:00

Plenary – Future of the GYA 

AGM session 

Location: Fred Kavli Auditorium

13:00 – 14:00


Location: West Court

14:00 – 16:00

End-of-AGM GYA Business

EC-EC business transition meeting 

Location to be added.