Annual General Meeting and International Conference

Annual General Meeting and International Conference

Annual General Meeting and International Conference

2024 Annual General Meeting and International Conference of Young Scientists

“Transformative and Inclusive Science for a Sustainable Future”

The 2024 GYA AGM and Conference will take place at the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicinesupported by a Local Organising Committee comprising GYA members in the USA, members of the National Academies’ New Voices in Science, Engineering, and Medicine program, and supporting NASEM staff.

The conference topic – “Transformative and Inclusive Science for a Sustainable Future” – provides an opportunity to rethink how recent technological advances and current efforts toward diverse and inclusive science can create a sustainable future for all. Ensuring the prosperity and well-being of communities should be founded on transformative science and capable of addressing current and future complex
challenges societies face.

Information you can find on this page:

View the latest  version of the full AGM and International Conference programme here:

Read more about speakers and moderators in the Conference panels.

Workshops are side events organised by GYA Working Groups. Registration is required; more here:

Information about the conference venue as well as member and alumni accomodation here:

Look into the Visa process early. More information here:

This event is a joint effort; see who is contributing:

Latest News

The GYA AGM and International Conference 2025 will take place in Hyderabad, India in June 2025. Stay tuned – more information will follow.

Lastest information in the
AGM 2024 Ticker section