Annual General Meeting and International Conference

Annual General Meeting and International Conference


Annual General Meeting and International Conference


We strongly encourage you to get an early start looking into funding opportunities for your travel and participation, through your institution or another source.

For GYA Members only: Procedures for Travel Co-Funding and Reimbursement

General principles

If you are not able to secure funding from another source, you may apply for travel co-funding from the GYA. The GYA fundraises annually in order to be able to support AGM attendance of its members who do not have institutional funding. Unfortunately, these funds are not part of core funding, and therefore variable in amount each year. 

Co-funding is available only to GYA Members and Alumni-plus. Co-funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to:

  • incoming Members, who will join the GYA in 2025,
  • Members, who joined the GYA in 2024, but were not able to attend their first AGM, 
  • applicants from ODA recipient countries,
  • Members/Alumni-plus from high income countries may also apply, if you are not able to secure institutional funding.

Incoming applications will be processed in 2 weeks clusters. Applications in cluster 1 will be prioritized over applications in cluster 2, cluster 2 will be prioritized over cluster 3. Within each cluster, the applications will be prioritized as outlined in the previous paragraph. An early submission enhances the chances for a successful application.

  • 5 – 18 March 2025
  • 19 March – 1 April 2025
  • 2 – 15 April 2025

For co-funded Members and Alumni-plus, accommodation for five nights in a shared twin room (9-13 June 2025) can be provided by the organisers. Additional nights’ extra cost will be at your own expense. Co-funded participants of the New Member Science Leadership workshop can apply for an extended period of accommodation from 7 to 13 June 2025.

If you prefer to stay in a single room, please make a booking at your own cost: see information on the Venue & Accommodation page.

Cancellation policy: Any cancellations made after 15 May 2025 will be charged the cost for accommodation (unless exceptional circumstances can be proven). 

Travel Co-funding Guidelines

Only the cheapest economy class fare is eligible for travel co-funding. Please note that co-funding offers are contingent on the availability of funds and we can only provide a partial refund (up to 70%) of travel and visa costs. Once a co-funding offer has been confirmed, you may book your travel. The GYA can only refund you after the conference and after having received the required, original documentation. 

Before you book

1. Apply for co-funding by 15 April 2025 via the Co-Funding Form.

2. Wait for a co-funding offer from the Office, and only then book your trip. You will be informed of the maximum amount that can be reimbursed. Generally, the GYA will not be able to co-fund more than 70 % of travel costs (including flight ticket, public transport and visa-fee).

3. Please note that according to applicable German regulations, your flight cannot be reimbursed if you book “business travel” or if your trip is combined with more than five work days (Mo-Fr) of private stay or stay for another purpose (weekends not counted) beyond the AGM (10-13 June 2025). 

At the AGM

4. Please sign a participant list at registration. Hand in your filled-in and signed reimbursement form – along with all neccessary receipts and your boarding passes – to a designated GYA Office staff member in a closed envelope labelled with your name. On the form, please indicate your expenses in the original currency (please do not convert the costs to EUR/USD yourself) and type your name, address, account number, name and address of your bank and the international bank details (IBAN +SWIFT/BIC/Routing number). Note that handwritten account details may lead to misspellings and cause additional costs. If your bank doesn’t have an IBAN or SWIFT code, we will need the details of a corresponding bank (with complete address). 

After your return

If you didn’t hand in your reimbursement claim at the AGM: 

5. Please follow the instructions above and within six months after your trip send your boarding passes and the receipts of your flight ticket, visa costs and public transport tickets together with the signed reimbursement form to the GYA Office: 

Global Young Academy c/o Leopoldina 
Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 37 
06108 Halle (Saale) 

6. Upon receipt of all required documents, the previously agreed co-funding amount will be transferred to your bank account earliest one week after the AGM. Participants from Europe must submit all original documents before the reimbursement, it is recommended to do this already at the in-person meeting. In order to speed up refunds for participants from outside Europe, you can send us a scanned copy of the required documents by e-mail. Please understand that we still need the original documents. Should we not receive the original documents after having refunded you on the basis of scanned copies, you will be excluded from travel co-funding at the next GYA meeting. 

7. Should you be co-funded by a second donor for your travel costs and need the originals for the other donor, please change the related declaration at the end of the reimbursement form “have not been reimbursed by a third party” to “A third party contributed with the amount of [AMOUNT; ORIGINAL CURRENCY] to my travel expenses.” and send it to the GYA Office together with copies of the travel invoices and the letter from the second donor regarding their funding for you travel. 

8. We advise you to submit your AGM 2025 expenses for reimbursement immediately after the event. Please note that expenses submitted more than 6 months after the event will not be accepted. 

If you have any questions, please contact .