Annual General Meeting and International Conference

Annual General Meeting and International Conference


Annual General Meeting and International Conference


The full programme from 8-9 June (pre-AGM workshops) and from 10-13 June (AGM & Conference) is outlined below. Public Conference sessions are color-coded.

Unless otherwise stated, all rooms mentioned as locations below refer to the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.



09.00 – 17.00

(Lunch break 12:30 – 13:30)

Science Leadership Workshop for New Members – Day 1

Internal Workshop (registration required).  This 1.5-day workshop aims to give new GYA members space to reflect together on how to be leaders in diverse contexts: in their research contexts, in the institutions and communities where they live and work, and in the GYA. The workshop will cover topics like effective and creative problem solving, collective leadership tools, personality differences and preferences in teams and cultural dexterity. It will give new GYA members confidence as they begin their tenure with the GYA and attend their first Annual General Meeting. 

Location: IIT Hyderabad



Dinner is available for workshop participants, facilitators and mentors

Location: IIT Hyderabad



09.00 – 13.00

Science Leadership Workshop for New Members – Day 2

Internal Workshop (registration required). This 1.5-day workshop aims to give new GYA members space to reflect together on how to be leaders in diverse contexts: in their research contexts, in the institutions and communities where they live and work, and in the GYA. The workshop will cover topics like effective and creative problem solving, collective leadership tools, personality differences and preferences in teams and cultural dexterity. It will give new GYA members confidence as they begin their tenure with the GYA and attend their first Annual General Meeting. 

Location: IIT Hyderabad

09.00 – 10.30

LOC & GYA Office meeting

Internal Meeting

Location: IIT Hyderabad

11.00 – 13.00

EC-in-person Meeting

Internal Meeting – GYA Executive Committee members and GYA Office

Location: to be announced

13:00 – 14:00


Lunch on 9 June is available only for participants of the New Member Science Leadership Workshop.

All other arriving GYA members are welcome to join the afternoon workshops, and Networking Dinner at 19:00.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

14.00 – 16.00

Research Assessment – Interactive Workshop in collaboration with CoARA

Pre-event workshop – Workshops open to participation for INYAS/LOC members, arriving GYA members and new GYA members

Location: IIT Hyderabad

16.30 – 18.30

Science Diplomacy – Workshop organized by INYAS & UK Young Academy

Pre-event workshop – Workshops open to participation for INYAS/LOC members, arriving GYA members and new GYA members

Location: IIT Hyderabad

19:00 – 21:00

Welcome Dinner and Networking

A chance to network for GYA and INYAS members.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

Tuesday, 10 June 2025Conference Day (public)



Location: IIT Hyderabad Guest House dining hall

08:00 – 09:00

AGM & Conference Registration 

Location: IIT Hyderabad

09:00 – 10:30

Official Opening of AGM & Conference

Welcome, Inauguration of new members, Official start of AGM and Conference

Location: IIT Hyderabad

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

Location: IIT Hyderabad

11:00 – 12:30

Plenary Panel – Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Global Landscape 

This session will focus on the evolving global landscape of innovation, emphasizing the intersections between academia, industry, and social impact. With a particular focus on bridging the divide between theoretical frameworks and practical applications, the discussions aim to re-conceptualize how education and entrepreneurial endeavours can synergize to address the pressing needs of the next billion individuals worldwide. In addition to academic entrepreneurship, the session will look at institutional factors that drive innovation and foster sustainable growth, such as mentorship, funding mechanisms, policy and networks.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

12:30 – 12:45

Conference photo

Location: to be announced

12:45 – 14:15


Location: IIT Hyderabad

14:15 – 15:45

Plenary Panel – Health and Nutrition for Global Wellness

This session will focus on illuminating critical challenges – such as childhood obesity, water quality, digital health, mental health, and emerging diseases – and pioneering solutions, aiming to inspire actionable strategies that pave the way for equitable, inclusive, and sustainable global wellness.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

15:45 – 17:15

GYA Activities Fair

GYA Working Groups, Incubators, Projects & Committees

Location: IIT Hyderabad

17:30 – 18:45

GYA member Research Talks

Parallel Sessions

Location: IIT Hyderabad

19:30 – 22:00

Gala Dinner

Location: to be announced

Wednesday, 11 June 2025Conference Day (public)




Conference Registration

09:00 – 10:30

Plenary Panel – Industry 5.0: Augmenting Human-Machine Interface

This session will focus on the advent of Industry 5.0, which ushers in an era of harmonious synergy between human ingenuity and advanced machine intelligence. This paradigm shift redefines frontiers of innovation across pivotal sectors such as healthcare, education, and manufacturing. This session will address the transformative potential of Industry 5.0, underscoring its capacity to amplify human capabilities while navigating critical challenges. Central topics will be sustainability and ethical considerations, implications for medicine and diagnostics, and for education.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 12:30

Plenary Panel – Building Awareness on Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in a Global Context

This session will focus on key global environmental, social and political challenges, spotlighting strategies that promote sustainability and resilience. Topics will include education on environmental policies, public initiatives to implement circular economy practices, and guidelines for environmental and socially sustainable industry.

Location: IIT Hyderabad

12:30 – 14:00


Location: IIT Hyderabad

14:00 – 15:00

EC Pitches

Internal Session

Location: IIT Hyderabad

15:15 – 18:00

Local Excursion

Details to be announced

Meeting location for departure: to be announced

19:00 – 21:00


Location to be announced

21:00 – 22:00

Networking / activities time


Thursday, 12 June 2025AGM Day (internal)



IIT Hyderabad Guest House dining hall

09:00 – 10:00

General Assembly: Activities Groups highlights session

AGM Session

Location: IIT Hyderabad

10:00 – 11:00

GYA Activities / Projects meeting time

Location: IIT Hyderabad

11:00 – 11:30


11:30 – 13:00

General Assembly Meeting

AGM Session

Location: IIT Hyderabad

13:00 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:30

General Assembly Meeting

Location: IIT Hyderabad

15:30 – 17:15

GYA Activities / Projects meeting time

coffee and tea available in central space

Location: IIT Hyderabad

17:30 – 18:30

EC Elections

Internal Session (GYA members eligible to vote only)

Location: IIT Hyderabad

19:00 – 22:00

Cultural Evening and Banquet Dinner

Location to be announced

Friday, 13 June 2025AGM Day (internal)



09:00 – 10:00

Committees Meetings

Location: IIT Hyderabad

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 12:30

General Assembly Meeting

AGM session – farewell to outgoing GYA members

Location: IIT Hyderabad

12:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

End-of-AGM GYA Business

EC-EC business transition meeting 

Location : IIT Hyderabad

Saturday, 14 June 2025Workshops / Outreach (optional additional programme)

morning (time TBA)

Science Communication – Workshop co-organized by INYAS, German Young Academy and GYA

Description forthcoming

Location : IIT Hyderabad