Annual General Meeting and International Conference

Annual General Meeting and International Conference


Annual General Meeting and International Conference


AGM Ticker

AGM & Conference 2025 – Research Talks

Submit your abstract by 15 April 2025

A valued part of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference programme is to hear from GYA members around the world about their field of expertise. Research Talks showcase the wide range of research interests of GYA members and alumni, making space for individuals from different global locations to communicate to each other about their research and work, and to foster fruitful collaborations.

We encourage all interested GYA members and alumni to sign up to give a Research Talk!

What is a Research Talk?

Research Talks are short presentations – similar to TED-talks. With your talk, you should aim to clearly communicate your research to a broad, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural audience. The exact length of talks will be determined based on the number of entries, but it will be around 3-4 minutes per person. Your fellow GYA members are interested to know more about what you study and the impact of your work. You may use slide(s) to illustrate your talk.

Communicating research effectively within a limited time is a critical skill young scientists and scholars of today need to master, and it can be both challenging and rewarding!

Preparing your Research Talk

In preparation for your Research Talk, we recommend that you read through these helpful tips, put togehter by GYA members: Research Talk tips from GYA members – Global Young Academy

Abstract Format

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and can be uploaded directly via the submission form. Following a review process by the Programme Organising Committee, we will provide further specific instructions for presenters.

Submit your abstract here by 15 April 2025:

Research Talks Abstracts – Global Young Academy

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